Delta 10

A low-dose sativa vibe. 

What is it?

Another type of THC, Delta 10 is less potent per milligram than both Delta 9 and Delta 8. Like Delta 8, it occurs in much smaller amounts in hemp and is more difficult to extract in bulk. But the results are worth it. It has the potential to alleviate common ailments, such as hangovers or headaches. 

When Should I Take This?

Among its many features, Delta 10 tends to have a more sativa- like vibe, with users feeling elevated energy and mood, and with fewer reports of paranoia. Here at Avni, we often refer to this as the “Stoner’s cup of joe.” Much of the Delta-10 experience can be felt in the body as well.  Many customers also swear this is the best compound for taking in the morning to push through a hangover and get work done.  

Here's a List of Our

Delta 10 Products



olive, spoon, porcelain spoon-5079521.jpg

Cooking Oil


Good Times Ahead

All of these products can be purchased at our store in downtown Savannah, Georgia. Come see for yourself how Delta 10 can turn you into a participant of life; a person who says things like: “Yes I can do that for you, no problem.” A person who is a doer, not a talker. Be that guy, with Delta 10. It’s the breakfast of Champions. 

Just So You Know

Here's Our Disclaimer

We make incredible products for you to choose from and enjoy. However, these statements made have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our website is not offering medical advice. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or fix any kind of disease. Yup, even that weird thing your Aunt Margie has. Our products are intended for humans over 21 years of age and older, whether you consider that to be an adult is up to you. You should read the labels on the products, and take them as directed. Because we have tried them all, and when we say take it slowly, dude, it’s because we learned the lesson for you. So read the labels for better results. Talk to your doctor before using our products if you have a serious medical condition or use prescription medications. All of our products are legit. Meaning, the US Farm Bill Act of 2018 says 0.3% or less of any THC or CBD product can be sold and distributed. All of our products are tested for accuracy, potency, and quality assurance. Avni Farms Dispensary and its affiliate companies assume no responsibility for any legal changes to state and local laws. Avni Farms Dispensary and its affiliate companies assume no responsibility for legal charges a customer may incur. That includes your jail time for riding the lion statues in Chippewa Square. Own your shit. So here we are, absolute zero percent liability to you, but 100% dedicated to being your local purveyor of farm-to-table good times. Enjoy!